About Uni Systems
Uni Systems is one of the most reliable European Information and Communication Technology companies that delivers a wide range of products and services, helping its customers adapt and excel in a rapidly changing and challenging business environment. Uni Systems is a long-standing strategic partner to financial institutions, public organizations, telecom operators, enterprises and institutions in the European region. It has a proven track record of successful large scale, complex and critical ICT projects in more than 20 countries through its business entities in Athens, Brussels, Bucharest, Luxembourg, Milan and Barcelona, in tandem with on site or remote project teams.
Uni Systems portfolio offers from modern ICT infrastructures (cloud based and virtualized) up to state of the art business applications (platform based or on demand). Consulting, implementation, support, operation and managed services complement our offerings together with deep business domain knowledge and expertise.
Key to our ongoing success is our commitment to excellence and quality, the development of innovative and agile solutions and our deep business and technology experience. With over 55 years of solid ICT experience, our current project base, comprehensive solution portfolio and a formidable human capital, we try hard to remain relevant to our customers in achieving their business goals.
We see IT differently

Acquisition of 90% of Intelli Solutions
Foundation of Uni Systems Iberia S.L.
Foundation of Uni Systems Luxembourg Sàrl
Foundation of Uni Systems Italy
Representation office in Luxembourg
Acquisition of Fast Hellas S.A.
Foundation of Uni Systems SLR in Romania
Foundation of Uni Systems Belgium branch
Company acquired by Info-Quest S.A. | Merger with Decision Systems Integration SA and Info-Quest's SBA Unit
Acquisition of ITEC and FIT
Company listed to Athens Stock Exchange
Company name changed to Unisystems Information Technology SA
Beginning of strategic collaboration with Alpha Bank (Formed Credit Bank)
Welcoming of Univac 1107 | DACC Univac converted to a Societe Anonyme
Foundation of Doxiadis Associates Computer Center
Creation of Doxiadis Electronics Researchers Ltd. representing Sperry Univac
Bridging Business and IT
In a fast changing world where organizations face new challenges in remaining competitive and successful, information technology, digital transformation and innovation are key success factors. Uni Systems can bridge the gap between business needs and technology solutions, adapted to specific customer requirements and investments.
Who we are
One of the most reliable European ICT companies.
With a strong management team and fully competent human capital, Uni Systems is a distinguished system integrator in the European Market.
Our Presence
Uni Systems is present in almost all European countries through subsidiaries or project teams, with remote or on-site implementations.
Sustainable Growth
With over 60 years of solid experience, we are still in the forefront of innovation by investing in our people and emerging technologies.
Strong collaborations, long-lasting relationships, strategic partnerships with customers, technology providers and business partners is key to our business model.
Financial Overview
Our constant growth, profitability, positive cash flows, risk management and solid financial stability is a key factor in creating a partnership with us.