office block

City4Life Framework

A Smart City is Connected, Interoperable and Open
City4Life framework develops the relations between the citizens and the public administration, improves the quality of life with the use of technology.

City4LifeCity4Life, based on the Snap4City platform, is an open architecture framework that allows interconnection, interoperability and communication between smart vertical solutions and applications in a smart city. The framework, which is based on European standards' open source software, takes advantage of the benefits of Internet of Things technologies (IoT) and integrates existing and future technology such as 5G, VR / AR, artificial intelligence algorithms (Artificial Intelligence -AI) and Machine Learning algorithms. It connects citizens through specific processes, data and objects in order to achieve the monitoring of all the factors that affect the life in a city. It can work either On Premise or on the Cloud. It supports: 

  • Smart Parking.
  • Remote control of intelligent street lighting.
  • Remote control of the public Wi - Fi wireless network and provision of analytics services using the Wi - Fi network.
  • Collection and management of environmental data from sensors.
  • Use of video applications analytics.
  • Locating and monitoring the location of objects (eg bins) and vehicles (garbage trucks and waste management).
  • Smart traffic monitoring.
  • Public safety and protection.
  • Monitoring of environmental data.
  • Intelligent Energy Monitoring.
  • Intelligent management of citizen information systems.
  • Monitoring of electric car chargers.
modern city buildings
Taking advantage of a powerful ecosystem framework
What makes City4Life unique?
Compatible with each sensor for the integrated display of the network in real time.
Compatible with existing or future smart city systems, giving added value and analysis processes to the computerized services of the municipality.
Accessible from any computer or mobile device device connected to the internet.
Enables the multi-tenant approach at both the user, user group, service, service group, and with controlled access levels per user and service.
The administrators have access to data, the history of measurements as well as to data related to operational status and technical characteristics.
The management application provides administrators with a control panel which gives the overall picture of the sensors' operation in the field and the overall monitoring of the system's operation.
The operation of each sensor / smart meter is depicted in graphs.
Automated error logging system. Every error in the operation of the sensors is automatically recorded in the system accompanied with the necessary data (device, time / date, etc.).
A unified approach that gets things smarter

The City4Life framework offers:

  • Knowledge Base - semantic reasoning and triple storage.
  • Map - visual map interface for access to the Knowledge Base.
  • City4Life API - an API for accessing the service through programming.
  • Service Map - The Super Service Map service allows the interconnection of third heterogeneous vertical applications located outside the City4Life framework, allowing smooth operation and interoperability with the existing infrastructure.
  • Horizontal Services enabling data sharing, providing e-wallet with electronic payment methods (card, web banking, horizontal wallet), citizens' requests, re-use of microservices etc.
  • Municipal / Citizen services for functionality with the back office systems of the municipalities regarding:
    • debts
    • payment IDs
    • doses
    • settings
    • electronic invoices
    • progress of completed projects etc.
  • A number of vertical applications such as parking, lighting, waste management etc. provided by the ecosystem partners.
  • Smart City Laboratory (Urban Living Lab) offers an environment and a toolbox that allows the analysis, synthesis, resolution of issues that concern both municipalities and citizens, allowing the participation and cooperation of all potential stakeholders (municipality, citizen, business, university, researcher, etc.) in order to resolve an issue.