Automated Payments System

Uni Systems Automated Payments System, incorporates the know-how of our experts in a robust and proven system that offers to a bank or a group of banks the ability to handle all types of payments through a unique, standardized system resulting in: lower operating costs increased operating time and efficiency easier and faster introduction of new banking systems or external payment networks enablement of the offering of consistent payment services throughout the world, to the full range of Bank customers
The Multi-Bank functionality of APS allows banking institutions to support the incoming and outgoing payment orders of their affiliate banks / branches abroad, as well as the payment orders of specialized business units within the Bank (e.g. Private Banking, Shipping Loans), through a common centralized system fulfilling local and cross-border needs. APS uses a variety of connectivity standards and can be integrated with the Banks’ internal systems (such as Treasury, Trade Finance) and the external payment systems (SWIFT, EBA/STEP2 EBA/SEPA etc) and covers domestic and international payments functionality, SEPA Credit Transfers and SEPA Direct Debits functionality. The system automates the payments process with the implementation of straight-through-processing rules (STP), enabling the Bank departments and branches, or other Banks’ host applications, to initiate payments that can travel through the Bank without human intervention.