SINNOGENES: Research and Innovation Action on clean energy transition
Uni Systems with UBITECH ENERGY co-hosted the kick-off meeting of the SINNOGENES Research and Innovation Action that took place in Brussels, Belgium on 26 and 27 January 2023. The project, started on January 1st, is funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101096992) and it spans on the period January 2023 – December 2026.
The appropriate deployment of innovative energy storage technologies is of primary importance for the clean energy transition. Sustainability and circular economy approach for storage innovations will minimize the environmental footprint and enhance the overarching efforts for achieving the European Green Deal targets. SINNOGENES project aims to develop the Storage INNOvations (SINNO) energy toolkit, that will enable the grid integration of innovative storage solutions, while demonstrating sustainability, technical performance, lifetime, non-dependency on location geographical particularities and cost. In total, six pilot projects will take place in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Greece and Switzerland. A detailed scalability and replicability analysis will prove the wide impact of SINNOGENES project innovations at pan European level.
Uni Systems will be in charge for the coordination of SINNOGENES project and will be responsible for the overall management and progress of the project, ensuring that is managed according to the rules and regulations set by the EC. In parallel, Uni Systems will contribute to the analysis, design and development of SINNOGENES Toolkit, to the designated demonstrations and their evaluation, as well as the communication, dissemination and impact assessment.